Sunny Days in Heaven Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven |
Tuesday, December 02, 2003 Things I don't get Some political pinhead in Nevada recently criticized Pres. Bush's pronunciation of the state's name. I kept waiting to hear exactly how a Texan might mangle it. I thought it might be funny since someone made a big case out of it. But what he said was -- Neh-vah-da rather than -- Neh-vaa-da. He pronounced it exactly the way I do, and the way I always hear it said here in California. I did get in slight trouble when I worked in Oregon one year for saying - Or-ri-gahn instead of their preferred -- Or-ri-gin. I still go back and forth with that. Always forgetting which one I prefer. Some people, though. Sheesh. Now, I grew up in Connecticut, and while having lost my New England accent, I still tend to lengthen my A's. I prefer ont to ant. I-ther to Ee-ther. I say Ah-monds and not aa-mens or Ay-mens (which is the Cal. way). But I say To-may-to, for some reason. Until she died, my mother could say to me - "Mahk, pahk the cah in the yahd." It was hilarious to hear her yell at the dogs, " No bahking! No bahking!" posted by Mark Butterworth | 6:46 PM | |