Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, November 05, 2003  

Unions or Bust

Larry Miller, actor and funny man with a regular feature at The Weekly Standard, has brought me around to his point of view in this column.

I don't much like unions. I've been in a factory one which was corrupt, and I've been in a few public ones (Post Office, Forest Service). My wife is forced to be a member of the communist teacher's union.

But I also remember what it's like to be an ordinary working guy. You help to make others rich (or prosperous) and get a decent living if you're lucky.

I accept the fact that we've traded the fearful life of farmers, for that of ready-to-be-downsized-at-any-time workers. The economy is the new weather which keeps us on our toes and insecure.

But when the only ones who don't really profit from their labor are the workers, then I'm with the unions. Or some sort of group that can fight for a laborer.

A business is composed of three people (groups). Management, Investors, and Workers. Each group is entitled to a share of profit, and each group should suffer equally in times of down turn, but it never works that way. Workers always are the first to pay when there needs to be cost cutting. Most investors never have a real stake in a company. It simply exists for profit taking in stock trading. Capitalism needs to be better than quarterly profit lines.

I say this as an investor in mutual funds. I want lots of profit taking, but I think the clerk at the checkout counter ought to be able to put his kids through college, too.

Immigration, legal and illegal, will always undermine a workers bargaining power, though.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 2:51 AM |
