Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Saturday, November 01, 2003  

Eat the Rich Dept.

Dan Weintraub reports: Rob Reiner and the California Teachers Association are preparing to file a ballot measure for November, 2004 that would increase commercial property taxes by 55 percent and dedicate the money -- $4.5 billion annually -- to expanded pre-school and K-12 education.

Prop. 13 kept business property taxes low since there is generally less turnover (hence less re-assessment).

I can see the campaign now - those bloody fat cat businessman are starving our schools of money. it's all "for the children!"

Half our school money is already wasted on a jobs program for liberals. Of course, they will never give the parents their own money back to choose for themselves, but the answer for terribly spent money is to spend even more of it badly.

I used to love California so much. It was once the greatest place on earth to live. Stop the insanity!

posted by Mark Butterworth | 7:18 PM |
