Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Thursday, November 06, 2003  

Compare and Contrast

Marvin Olasky writes at Townhall:

"In India this summer, I witnessed sacrifices of goats and sacrifices by Christians. Goats by the thousands have their throats slit at folk temples throughout India, with bodies left twitching for about 70 seconds. But some Christians work sacrificially to help children live for perhaps another 70 years, with eternal life thereafter. "

"Larger Hindu temples are such big business that the government has taken them over and pays the salaries of both gurus and guards. Many big temples are marketplaces, renting booths to shopkeepers who sell food, toys and baubles amid neon lights and an unholy cacophony. Hinduism, of course, does have an intellectual theology, but on a popular level much of Hinduism is karma marga: keep caste regulations, perform religious rites, offer sacrifices. "

"Tens of millions in India believe that such practice puts the cosmic powers in an indulgent frame of mind toward them. Children learn to fear gods and attempt to placate them in ways large and small. At one of India's largest temples, the famous Menakshi in Madurai, children and adults can pay 2 rupees (about four cents) to throw balls of butter at idols of Shiva and his wife Shakti, thus cooling down their anger. By late afternoon, the statues are dripping in butter. "

Superstition isn't restricted to Hinduism, of course. We see it every place where simple minded, and thoughtless people react childishly to fear or desire.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 2:40 PM |
