Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, August 02, 2002  

Realism at its best!

John Derbyshire at NRO has the column I was going to write but he did it much better. His pessimism is perfect and more than likely to be the case like the Peter Finch character in the ovie, Network, the mad prophet of the airwaves.

Derb claims: "Only Anglo-Saxon countries can do democracy. The natural state of human society is despotism. If you tally up all the human lives that have ever been lived on this planet under organized systems of government, no more than five per cent were lived under consensual systems. Even to get up to five per cent, you have to include places like ancient Athens and Tudor England, which wouldn't pass muster as "democratic" by modern standards. In the last couple of centuries, practically all consensual systems have been Anglo-Saxon. Other cultures can fake it for a few decades, as France, Germany, and Japan are currently doing, but their hearts aren't really in it and they will swoon gratefully into the arms of a fascist dictator when one comes along. As a corollary of this..."

There's so much more. It will not amuse but it will confirm what you already sense.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 9:11 AM |
