Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, July 17, 2002  

Gore not Al but maybe All

If you watch PBS or any network news program with a regular Health Watch segment, you will often note that there is no shortage of human gore being displayed from all types of surgeries and procedures. Any program that mentions inoculations of any kind will invariably show people getting shots from hypodermic needles. (Which just about makes me ill. Not because I'm squeamish, but because I used to regularly get shots that often made me ill. The association is simply Pavlovian for me. See a needle and feel queasy, and so I hate how de rigeur it is for them to show people getting shots.)

There is no medical procedure the TV networks will not show. Want to look up Katie Couric's rectum - you're in luck! Love to see open heart surgery or medics working on a blown up human? Stay tuned, it will come to you.

No matter how disgusting the disease or procedure - you're going to get a chance to enjoy it in living color.

All except an abortion, that is. You will never see an abortion on TV. This benign, positive, helpful medical procedure is taboo for the viewing public. In fact, the proedure is now being considered so simple and ordinary that some (NOW) are proposing that doctors no longer be necessary, but that technicians be given the task. (The real reason is that fewer and fewer doctors want to perform abortions - or even learn how - which is why NYC now wants to force all medical students regardless of religious belief to learn them.)

Also, TV shows and movies haven't the least restraint any more in illustrating the effects of violence (ER, CSI, and R films), yet are incredibly squeamish indeed in demonstrating exactly what occurs to a fetus (baby) when it is chopped, drowned, salted, or had its brain sucked out while dangling from its mother, nearly born. How many science fiction or horror movies have we seen where everything has been sucked out of a person by some monster or people torn limb from limb? Plenty. Too many to count.

If abortion is such a fair and righteous choice for some to make, how come we aren't allowed to witness this glorious constitutional right in action? Yes, well, we all know why, don't we? Because it is a horror too shocking to let people see again and again. It might just make people sick and determined to oppose it beyond lip service. It would arouse terror and pity the same as Uncle Tom's Cabin did and all the abolitionist stories, engravings and photographs of slaves and the brutality they were subjected to.

Such viewings would humanize the unborn which have now been turned into an abstraction about 'reproductive rights'.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 11:08 AM |
