Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Monday, July 08, 2002  

"Cause there ain't no cure for the Summertime ...

Blogomania is on the ebb. At least at most of the sites I'm linked to, and with myself as well. Some of it is the Summertime Blahs. When it gets to be 100 degrees here you feel it even in a cool house. The air is different, too dry and unnatural.

Another part is that we are lacking fresh new outrages. We just keep getting the same old outrages like the shooter at LAX and the FBI's apparent retardedness. The Left still hates America; OBL is a molderin' in his grave while his homeboys scurry like roaches; Democrats want to pin every Wall Street scandal on Bush and the Republicans as if they didn't set the tone and also invest heavily and dance in the streets in the 90's thinking they were going to retire early, too.

No, I think that original sin is catching up in the blogosphere as all us instapundits realize that the cussedness of Man makes for poor copy day after endless day. The newspapers and media depend on it (Man's nasty acts, that is) for news and the 'linkers' are set because of it; but the 'thinkers' want new horses to beat after awhile.


For example, Steven den Beste at USS Clueless wrote some more about his atheism, and I'm all set to tear apart his reasoning, but I can't find the energy. It's not as if it would do any good to point out the obvious errors of logic and reasoning in his (and many others') views.

My fellow Christians will continue to promote what I consider to be unnecessary doctrines as essential parts of our faith, but my reasoning persuades them not at all, and they then tend to disengage from the argument rather than follow the money to the truth (follow the logic and reasoning).

It's not as if I ever get any emails or calls saying, "You know, Mark, I've been giving what you wrote a lot of thought and you were right. I've been dead wrong on that subject you mentioned. I don't understand how I could have been so blind in that spot for so long. Thanks for getting me to think and reconsider my belief there."

Or I could post lovely, spiritual literature for the edification of others, but the sagacious turn of religious knowingness has sort of run its course with me, and I have no desire to assume the irenic mantle of sweetness and light.

I guess I just like talking with others in a critical and disinterested way about art, society, politics, and ideas, but we seem to have come to a period of the conversation of the pregnant pause (which does not seem very pregnant, but tired).

If I was getting paid half decently, I know I could crank out a column a day on something simply for the satisfaction of earning cold, hard cash. But I'm not getting paid, of course. So when the fires are banked, there is not the same motive to stir the embers and toss some wood in the hearth.

My daughter is seventeen, now, and is not doing something all that amazing and wonderful every day that bears reporting. She is doing things wonderful and amazing every day in her life, but not so much in mine that I participate in.

Part of what the blogosphere is - is a lot of people who want to be known. Not necessarily rich and famous, but 'known' in the sense that everyone wants to love and be loved. To be known and liked by others who will listen when you speak, give you the benefit of the doubt if you aren't always articulate, seriously consider your thoughts when you disagree and completely engage your ideas and conclusions.

There are always the cretins, of course, who are simply looking for a soapbox to spew obscenities; who are so devoid of selflessness and goodness that they can only vomit hatred in one form or another, but those are not the people I'm talking about nor whom I link to and read regularly


Or we can think of ourselves as soldiers of the Warblog in a holy cause of truth and righteousness anxious to defend our country and principles - except that we are wandering around looking for the next battle, or are being held in reserve and are chafing to be useful in some way.

How then do writers "hurry up and wait"? It's not possible. If we tread water, we are still writing even if it's about treading water (like this blog).

Even Lileks will run out of material in the form of the Gnat. As she gets older, each day won't be quite as surprising or remarkable. What to do? Have more kids and watch the fur fly then? Possible. I've never read James' regular printed columns for his paper so I don't know what subjects he uses to fill his inches of space, but he still seems like the male Erma Bombeck (in a way, and it's not meant as an insult).

Jonah Goldberg is pretty well set, though. There's always some new version of philosophical, political, and academic stupidity dressed in twenty-five dollar words that he can then take apart (but even that must eventually get old, you'd think).

Oh well, blog on.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 10:53 PM |
