Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, June 12, 2002  

No Mas. No Mas.

Marc Fisher of WaPo has an article detailing why soccer is a waste of time to Americans who pay little attention to it. (The game stinks.)

He mentions: "But our sports do not celebrate futility as soccer does. Our sports include action on a fairly regular basis. And our sports reward rigorous study."

Prior to that he says: "That soccer inspires deep emotion cannot be denied. But there turns out to be little tie between that passion and the deep analysis of strategy that is commonplace in American sports. European sportscasters seemed stunned by the second-guessing so common in U.S. sports coverage. They cannot fathom such sweet phenomena as fantasy baseball leagues, football tailgate parties or our celebration of the purity of schoolyard basketball."

It is the celebration of futility, indeed, which is soccer. How fitting that so much of Europe and the world find such a sport most appropriate to their culture. Dead end societies where nothing of much good, originality, or excitement happen. And people going berserk regardless of the outcomes. Let their team score one lousy goal, and you'd think Jesus had returned to take everyone to heaven.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 9:23 AM |
