Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Sunday, June 16, 2002  

Kudos to a Wunderkind

My daughter ( a junior) completed her final assignment in her drama class. The teacher (knocking them dead as Sweeney Todd in Davis just now) told her that her monologue was not only one of the best ever selected (it was an obscure piece from an old library book), but that her performance was without doubt one of (if not) the best he'd ever witnessed in his years teaching drama at the high school. She was thrilled, of course, with his assessment.

She has developed her abilities in this area to a degree which stands head and shoulders above others. Which is what causes me so much grief as I contemplate her in New York trying to make a living in the theater. I dread hearing her tell me years hence that it just isn't happening for her. And she comes home with her head down and her heart broken. Life is not the same after one's dreams are crushed. There are still many great joys ahead and to be found in the present, but never being able to realize the expression of what you excell at is a pain that never entirely dies. I know first hand.

Even so, the delight I get from watching her study, strive, and succeed is immense; and her own sense of accomplishment and confidence brings her great joy and purpose. We are all capable of so much good when we have the chance to thrive.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 3:45 AM |
