Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Tuesday, June 11, 2002  

Even the Pope Smokes Dope (R. Crumb, for those who remember)

Marc at Minute Particulars (link on the right) has a blog on Pope JP II's situation. In passing, he mentions "the wealth of insight in John Paul II’s many encyclicals..."

I've read his encyclicals and apart from The Gospel of Life which gave us the phrase "culture of death" and which did a fine job illustrating it, I'd have to say most of JP's work has been spiritual boilerplate and unbearably dull. As a homilist (after reading a number of his homilies in his paper, The Roman Observer), JP is sleep inducing. As an encyclist (is that a word?), his writing is equally numbing. Which is disappointing in that he once fancied himself a poet and playwrite.

John Paul has been described as both an intellectual and a mystic, but I have never seen any evidence of the kind of wit, engagement, and insight that we might associate with such a description.

I hate to say it, but frankly, I can hardly wait to see who we get next. I keep hoping JP II will resign. The job is clearly beyond his ability now, however one thinks of him, whether favorably or not. But, I guess it can't screw up the Church any worse however long he hangs on. The train just keeps rolling.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 3:36 AM |
