Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, May 03, 2002  

Thoughts for a Sunny Day (from my book, Contentions)

People don't get into heaven by being nice but by allowing themselves to become God. It's simple really. If God is heaven and purity, then we must also be God and pure to occupy the same heaven (reality).


People think and teach, "do this so you'll get that." But God teaches, "do nothing and you'll get everything" or "love truth and truth will love you" or "the more you trust in God, the more trust God puts in you".

There is nothing of God that he will not trust us with if we become trustworthy. It works with healthy people also. The more trust you put in them, the more they thrive and increase in trustworthiness.

A funny thing is that for many, receiving the conviction of a reward in heaven has the effect of ending exploration of God and what he means, just as rewards tend to kill creativity.

Nor does God praise us for doing as we ought and can do, but teaches us how to examine our work (and thoughts and feelings) in a way that leads to continual refinements and security. We learn to trust the creative process.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 12:28 AM |
