Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, May 15, 2002  

Reason and Faith

I observe that Minute Particulars had an exchange over reason and faith with Tres Producers. He might try this Proof of mine and see what response he might get.

A perfect proof of God:

All things which exist in time and are places have a location.

The universe exists in time and is a place.

Thus, the universe must have a location.

Where is the universe located?

The universe, obviously, must be located in a situation which transcends time and place. That situation may be styled Eternity or God or "spiritual" in that that which contains or locates the material universe cannot be of material existence or nature itself.

Any attempt to redefine "universe" as a place in itself and as a category which exceeds other categories of time, place, relationship, or quality in a unique (and transcendental) way simply attempts to exalt the "universe" into a form of existence which is ultimate - which thus demands to be proven as such. Since it is impossible to prove that the "universe" is an ultimate reality transcending all others, any redefinition of it beyond ordinary categories (mentioned above) are fallacious. The proof stands unrefuted and unrefutable.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 3:29 PM |
