Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Thursday, May 16, 2002  


Predestination and reprobation are some of the big words various fellows are knocking around the last few days on the Christian blogs.

I hate this subject. It's one of those that makes Christians look like they debate angels on the heads of pins, or engage in Talmudic subtleties and shadings ever finer and finer to render all thought into brainlock.

This subject is impossible for one thing because it's based on various scripture verses and speculations in Scripture. So first off, we end up debating from the premise that God wrote these verses so that they must be absolutely true in some eternal sense. So that makes us crackpots from the start.

Second, the apparent paradoxes regarding God's omniscience (all knowing) vs. our Free Will (how can anything be free if it's already determined, that is, divinely all-known?) are simply beyond discursive logic's ability to render intelligent.

It's a bit like the Fall. We have no idea what caused us to become fallen in nature, corrupted in action, lost to selfhood.

Some things can only be resolved in God in eternity as he is; and not on earth as we now generally are. No, I'm not going to say - it's a mystery. That's the lamest line of all. In my experience, there is nothing that God will not reveal; but you must pass GO and collect your $200. That is, you've got to pay your dues in prayer, patience, and (call it) non-verbal communication. Even so, you may never learn of all the ultimate things this side of eternity.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 5:04 PM |
