Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Thursday, May 02, 2002  

Poem for a Sunny Day

My Heart Attack

I've seen death's shape when it comes on the flesh;
a fireball rising in the chest, expanding;
a momentary terror - is this it?
It is it; the mortal insult, perverse
climax of a life, curse of breathing time.

God is not there. No appearance nor
gesture of grace to say, "I love you, child,
do not mind the agony."

Never mind
the void, there's life enough beyond for God,
'though heaven seems a lie, and hell a joke
since all that is pain - is anguished despair.
Death sneaks like a thief, then steals in a rush.

Only, I am Lazarus and revived
to have to die a second time. Restored
to ordinary skin, heart, and brain. Not
dead enough at first to pass away, but
alive enough to save to bear worse scars.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 12:43 AM |
