Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, May 24, 2002  

Love the Stripper mom

Every time I do a blog on the stripper mom of Sacramento, I get a bunch of google hits.

Well, a radio station gave her a job. The manager said, "she deserved the opportunity."

Doing what, you ask? They don't know. They'll have her answer the phone on their morning show and see if she can say her name without sounding like her tongue is juggling marbles, I guess. They don't know if she has any skill or talent that would be helpful, but "she deserved the opportunity." (They are hoping for a ratings boost, though.)

I wonder if I do something immoral like kill somebody what I earn? Imagine what an opportunity I would deserve for my actions! Number one with a bullet! Top of the world, Ma!

No, I'm being a little cruel. I wish her well, I hope things work out; most of all I pray she sees the error of her ways. But I guess she got quite a lot of mileage out of being a 'bad girl'.


The problem with work like stripping, nude modeling, porno and such is that the money seduces. Not too many entry level jobs start at 100 K or more a year. And the funny thing is, when you start getting $5,000/week you begin to feel like you deserve it; and what's more, you start living like you need at least that much to survive.

The work is degrading, but not hard nor especially long hours. Nothing hardens the heart more than such voluntary degration, though.

So, we're all praying for Christina and the straight and narrow path.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 1:55 AM |
