Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, May 01, 2002  

A life is a life is a life is a ...

Sigh, Postrel and Instapundit are at it again, this time from a slightly different take as they rail against anti-cloning ads. Postrel insists that cloning is legitimate life saving research and must not be stopped without dire consequences to life as we could know it

If ever was the case of the ends justifying the means, that is their basic argument. That and the alarmist, doom saying point of view - WE WILL ALL DIE UNLESS YOU LET US DO THIS!

Plus, they want to make out all their fellow citizens who, by and large, oppose cloning as the new flat earthers who will put new Galileos in prison if they don't recant. So, on the one hand, if demcracy stands in the way of their idea of science, then democracy be dam*ed. And if morality stands in the way, then that be dam*ed, too. If common sense is intractable ( a human life is a human life), that too should go the way of the dinosaur.

There is nothing they will not say to get what they want. They hope by whining and whining on about LIFE SAVING, COMPASSION, RESEARCH, SCIENCE they will wear mature thinking down and get to stay up as late as they please creating and destroying as many living embryos as they like.

What zombies these people are. In fact, why don't we start calling them that? Label them as Zombies for wanting to feast on living human flesh, those who are dead to reality and the sacredness of human life. (Back in the 60's, though, the Zombies led by Rod Argent had a couple of good tunes. She's Not There, Time of the Season.)

posted by Mark Butterworth | 1:10 PM |
