Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Tuesday, May 21, 2002  

Invaders from Mars

The Chinese want to build a moonbase and exploit resources there. One problem, though. China doesn't own the Moon. We do. America, that is (except we made some sort of silly agreement and ceded it to the UN or something like that, but treaties are made to be broken, so let's claim what's rightfully ours).

I hope our President will tell the Chinese they must apply for a visa to visit our Moon; nor may they remove any property or alter the landscape while they are there.

In fact, I think we ought to make this a cause celebre. I mean really. It's our Moon! We got there first, planted out flag on it, and built a golf course, left a potting shed or two there and some golf carts for the next foursome whenever they decide to take an out of this world vacation. It's just a remote resort like Alaska. But it's still America. Stand up, America, and fight for your Moon.

If the Chinese want a moon, let them go to Mars.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 3:59 PM |
