Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, May 22, 2002  

He man or girlie boy?

Minute Particulars raises a question I have asked myself and for which I will give the short answer I arrived at: The problem is the male.

Men are the real problem in this world. Look at the churches and you'll find more women in them. The great poet, William Blake, wrote: "If the men would do their duty, the women would be wonders." This is true. Women follow men's lead and seek to please the male more often than not (certainly women can be as willful if they insist).

Men will only follow a man. That's why Jesus had to be a male. Also why he had to die on a cross. Men respect and follow dramatic heroes more than anything else - and seek to emulate the greatest heroism. One problem with Christianity, though, is that it gets feminized to the point that men are disgusted by it. But even then, I think it is more a matter of male pride than effeminate priests and ministers that make men hostile to Christian faith.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 2:04 PM |
