Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, May 15, 2002  

Flame Warriors?

While doing a net search, I came across this group alt.flame.jesus.christ

Here's what they like to do: "2.1.2 How are flames used in alt.flame.jesus.christ?
They are usually used to expose, denigrate, or insult Christians. This is accomplished in many ways which include sarcasm, humor, contrary evidence, and outright hostility. Flames can take the form of huge rants, line-by line disassemblies of contrary posts, or one-word responses ("LIAR" is very popular, and seems very effective. It requires little effort, but for some reason xians fall all over themselves in their haste to refute it...)"

The main purpose of these people seems to be for the sake of amusement. They find Xians annoying and enjoy riling them up. What a world when people go out of their way to be ugly. It's a kind of puerile vandalism for adults or young men (generally).

I can see people being annoyed with evangelizing Christians (yet, how much of a bother is it in anybody's life, really? It's not like Jehovah's Witnesses camp outside our doors day and night,) but evangelizers are not motivated by meanness. Some might say their well intentions are misplaced, but it's not mean spirited. This kind of thing is. Oh well.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 2:50 PM |
