Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, May 10, 2002  

First things first

Emily at Fool's Folly (link on right) at the start of a blog on another matter states, "I would say that as Catholics, we must consider every passage in the Bible in the context of the whole work of Scripture and the tradition of the Church."

This sounds sensible and seems reasonable for a Christian to say, but if we are interested in Jesus and his manner of thinking and life, we would have to disagree with it and suggest that our first duty is to examine it against the light of Truth, God's will, being, and thinking.

Jesus, while nominally a Jew and loyal to the traditions of his people to a certain extent, was certainly no slave to Scripture or Tradition. If Jesus wasn't, why should we be?

Emily's underlying assumption is that she possesses all of the truth (in the form of the RCC) and thus has no need of further examination to determine whether that is so or not. Reason does not support her conclusion or premise. And we know that Reason can never contradict God since that would be absurd.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 3:04 PM |
