Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, May 03, 2002  

Dispatches from Outland

A visit to that site revealed a lovely blog on spiritual discipleship. Something I've been trying to say, but not as well. I was briefly confused, though, thinking that the book being mentioned was the blogger's own. It's not, but one he recommends. From what he says, I heartily concur. Scroll further down to see more insightful comments of his on the same subject. If he keeps this up, I'll have to permalink him. He's added me to his list, for which I am thankful.

The saddest thing about faith and attendant religion is not the lack of belief in others, but disappointment in seeing a lack of commitment to practice. I've talked before about so many "activist" Christians concerned about "social justice issues" (as if anybody else with a different perspective than theirs isn't) who can't find time or interest to pray or change themselves before fixing the world. Equally so are catechism thumping Catholics who may attend daily Mass and say the Rosary, join in Novenas, have Masses said for dead relatives and such, but never seem to get any deeper in insight. They cannot be said to be faithless, but they seem to worship the religion more than love and follow Jesus.

Anyway, go and read Roy Jacobsen at Dispatches from Outland. Looks like a keeper to me.


Summa Contra Mundum has linked to me, but I have a bone to pick with him and Mark Shea. The template they've chosen with its neon green wallpaper is simply too difficult for my eyes to read. Not because of the hideous color, but the font is simply too small for me now even with my Text Size menu on largest. Otherwise, I would wish to read them more often, for they are both interesting and intelligent commentators.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 12:26 PM |
