Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Tuesday, April 30, 2002  

Thought for a Sunny Day (from my book Contentions)

85 Another aspect of God and heaven I haven't written about is the fact that God creates reality for his creatures. There are few reasons to assume that there is only one kind of physical universe to experience with certain laws. God could certainly arrange alternate universes with wholly different natural laws, colors, music, and so on, for us to inhabit.

How that would square with our current type of flesh or matrix of sensory being, I don't know, but it seems possible (although remote and highly unlikely).

I tend to believe that we are simply to live life and have it more abundantly - immortal, awake, ever deepening awareness of God, simplicity that transcends the simplest conceptions of reality.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 2:05 PM |
