Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Wednesday, April 03, 2002  

The Opinion Scoop was a double dip

In today's newspaper I read that Pakistan says "no" to our desire to cross the border in hot pursuit of bad guys. Our good friend, the General, tells us that "his own army and intel service can handle the task" according to Knight Ridder Newspapers.

Here is how you defang the great American war machine - join it as a collaberator and then refuse to go along with anything America needs to do to succeed.

I've been reading about the so-called Tribal areas of Pakistan which are essentially lawless. The government exercises no authority in the area; they've let the border be a sieve by taking bribes and looking the other way, and now claims they're capable of doing even more of the same.

With friends like these....

This is what is making me angry with Bush and Co. The backward creep away from decisive action and concerted pressure.

3,000 American souls murdered and we can't pursue the killers!

As I said before, what's the point of having the muscle if you won't use it when you need it most?

posted by Mark Butterworth | 11:17 AM |
