Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Monday, April 01, 2002  

No thanks to Rome, eh?

Think about the political history of the Church for a moment. The Catholic and Orthodox, that is. It is miserable. Only Protestantism has benefitted Man politically. Look at Hispanic colonies. Spain, Portugal, Italy, France; then Greece, Russia et al.

The U.S. and the world has much more reason to thank Luther than any pope or metropolitan or patriarch.

Of course, we may simply end up thanking England (not Great Britain, but the English) for its cultural and political progression.

I have occasionally wondered, though if the structure of the RC and Ortho churches helped to create a kind of futility and fatalism in the populations whose governments were modeled on an unresponsive, unaccountable, and indifferent Church. Tyranny, conspiracy, and secrecy are the European way of government. Intellectual elites that act by fiat and secret courts.

A brief look at the history of English colonies and Spanish ones is sobering. The kind of endemic corruption in places like Mexico and the people's lack of respect for law (since the Law does not respect them) is a vicious cycle. Mexicans love their culture, but hate their country. Which is why so many want to live here and yet remain Mexican in all other ways.

The question, though, is whether they will assimilate or simply import the very thing they are fleeing - lawlessness, corruption, violence, and despair.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 11:27 PM |
