Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Tuesday, April 30, 2002  

How it feels

If anyone ever wished to know what it is like to live under a tyranny which one is impotent to affect - become a Roman Catholic. All that's missing is the violence and persecution (you are allowed to leave the country if you like). But if you love your country and remain, you will suffer. And even if you leave, you will still suffer. Catholics aren't very good at practicing their religion, but they sure like being Catholic. It's one of life's weird paradoxes, how so many irreligious people can be so loyal to a religion - which says a lot about the infantilism of much of our faith.

For some reason, most Catholics seem to feel that they are bonded to their religion as much as they are to their parents. It's that strong a tie. In some respects that child-likeness is worthy of Jesus himself; yet in other respects, it bespeaks (cool word, that) of idiots who are neither wise as serpents nor gentle as doves, but fools whom the Dishonest Steward takes for a ride every time in his worldly wisdom and lookout for the main chance.

But the frustration and wrenching hopelessness of it all - confronting such bare-faced evil and not being able to do a darn thing about it! Day after day like some fellow in Iraq watching bureaucrats do whatever they please in Saddam's name. The Arab Palestinians say they feel this way, too, about the Israeli's who enter their country and lord it over them as they please - but I don't believe it is the same. The Arabs hated the Jews long before Israel existed and loved to kill them when they had no particular power over them prior to 1948.

No, it's not about a foreign aggressor or power, but a corruption of your own people that is so intractable as to cause utter despair or the fiercest anger. There is simply no other organization we, as Americans, know of that is immune from reform in some way or shape by the people except for the RCC.

Abuse of power and disregard for human life and the well being of others is of such moment to me that I am reduced to quivering fury and thoughts of violence whenever I see the perpetrators of such things - as cardinals back from Rome pretending they did something and will do more; or terrorists finding support from fellow Americans. Eie! It is too much. I've got to stop paying attention to an evil world and all its evil ways. It's not like it will ever improve.

Yes, maybe for a little while here or there, people will find a breathing space, a moment of sanity - but basically, the world is insane.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 1:05 AM |
