Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Monday, April 29, 2002  

The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena (rendered in blank verse)

The Prologue

The soul, lifted by great, yearning desire
for honor of God and saving of souls,
begins alone, a space of time, in good:
the study of herself to better learn
God's grace toward her. For knowledge precedes love.
Attaining love, then strives to follow Truth.
Truth only comes from constant, humble prayer:
therefrom receiving taste and brilliant light
as founded on self-knowing and of God.
For searching, humble prayer unites with God
the soul to follow footsteps of Christ Crucified.
Thus by desire and affection, union
of love, makes her another Him. It is
effective love which blends Him into her.

One handmaid of the Lord, when lifted up
in prayer with winged thought was shown by God
the love He bears His servants, that He said:
Open your eye of intellect and gaze
in Me that you observe the beauty of
My human creature. Look at those I've clothed
in nuptial garments, white with love, adorned
in many virtues joined to Me. If you
should ask Me who these are, I'd say they are
another Me as much as they have lost
their wills for Mine, conformed and grown to Mine."
Thus, loving God, the soul unites with Him.

That soul, to be of use in all good ways,
desired knowledge to follow Truth aright
and manfully, made four requests of Him:
the first was for herself; the second, for
the Church reformed; the third, a general prayer
for peace from Christians who rebel against
and persecute the Holy Church; and fourth,
she asked that Providence provide for all,
and one she cared about - a certain case.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 12:49 PM |
