Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Friday, March 15, 2002  

A Three L lama

The Bee wants us to know (click here if you like) that junk science never gives up and never surrenders. Construction work at an El Dorado high school "carved into rock rich with asbestos of the most hazardous kind and created athletic fields with contaminated soil while school was in session last month."

Now all these people who will probably live to 85 unless they do something silly like get killed in a car accident or go to work in places that are terrorist targets, should spend the next 70 years fretting about the cancer they have now contracted.

The asbestos the Bee mentions is the worst kind, tremolite, but what makes it bad is when tobacco smoking miners inhale it year after year. But it's the news' job to terrify the public whenever it can like all those "Health Moments" on TV that turn your chocolate cake into a serial killer.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 1:29 PM |
