Sunny Days in Heaven
Spiritual/Political/Philosophical Blog on the Nature of Truth and Falsehood and Heaven

Saturday, March 16, 2002  

A Land of Milk and Honey

While walking my dog yesterday afternoon, I was resting on a bench in a park by the American River. The beauty of my dog attracted an old woman and we began to talk. She was an 80 year old widow who had originally come from Kansas during the depression through Arkansas, Missouri, then here. Her father picked plums and fruit. She and her sister (both children) boxed and packed them. In the summer they would save enough money to join their church group for camp up at Lake Tahoe.

"It was a pretty nice life, " she said. "When we hit the border of California, we met a man who said to my dad, ‘They say it's the land of milk and honey, but it's not for me.' He was leaving as we were coming, but we found a pretty good life here."

Yet, aren't we always hearing about those dead end jobs that lead nowhere good for poor people? That first they need education, health care, day care, and an upwardly mobile career in place before they can be expected to make anything of themselves?

The fact is, it doesn't matter where you start in this country; you can always improve yourself if you've a mind to. It also and always helps to have some religion to support you as you go.

posted by Mark Butterworth | 1:50 PM |
